5 Ways to use social media to share the gospel BY SHANE PRUITT

5 Ways to use social media to share the gospel BY SHANE PRUITT

More than 57% of the total global population is on social media. That’s a massive digital mission field with potential for Great Commission harvest!

1. Pray for the other side of the screen.
The people reading your post are made in the image of God, and they desperately need Jesus. Pray for opportunities to share about Jesus to them.

2. Post your testimony.
Shoot a quick video of your testimony on your phone: who you were before you met Jesus, how you heard the gospel and who you are now in Christ. Post it on your favorite channels. There is a chance that hundreds, if not thousands, of people could watch it.

3. Post Scripture.
“For the word of God is living and active” (Hebrews 4:12). “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). Both of these promises remain true on social media, and there is nothing more important and impactful than posting this. The Bible is active, and the gospel is powerful.

4. Ask for prayer requests.
Simply post this on a regular basis — “How can I pray for you today?” I guarantee you that over time people will comment on your post or send you direct messages. Pray over those requests, then follow up with them for updates. Those are front doors to gospel conversations.

5. Share your church’s info.
Every time you post your church’s sermon and events, you are inviting all of your followers to church. Every pastor loves when their members invite spiritually lost people to church. When you share that sermon, in a sense, you just invited all your friends and family to church.


Published February 28, 2022, NAMB

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